More on eVOLVER advancements

The Khalil lab’s eVOLVER system is built on open-source principles to promote wide adoption by the scientific community, to serve as a standardized platform for sharing experimental protocols and data, and to promote transparency, rigor and reproducibility in science.
eVOLVER has received widespread interest from the community. It has now been distributed to over 20 labs across the world, where it is being applied in a diverse set of experiments and studies. To support this open-source enterprise, we have created a “Discourse” forum page, and have populated it with eVOLVER framework documentation, including (1) eVOLVER software/protocols and usage guides, (2) electronic hardware framework designs, and (3) instructions on how to build and test Smart Sleeves.
The discourse page also serves as an interactive online discussion forum, allowing users from any institution to post their own protocols, guides, or designs, enabling broad information dissemination and open discussion throughout the community. All software, design documentation, and data generated in this project will be made freely available for research purposes on the website.
Lastly, the entire eVOLVER codebase is maintained on an open-source GitHub account. Major releases of features and bug-fixes are labeled with version numbers, allowing a software version to be tracked along with experiments for increased experimental reproducibility. We will continue to update these websites as it relates to this project.